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고3 모의고사 수능 유형별 독해/2024학년도 유형별 독해

2024년 고3 모의고사 유형별 정리(주제)- 학생용 교사용

by 최겅영어 2025. 2. 20.

모의고사 유형별 정리(주제)- 학생용 교사용

모의고사 기출문제를 유형별로 분류해서 학습하는데 도움이 되고자 만들었습니다.


학생들 모의고사 문제 푸는 방법 연습할때 유용합니다.(첨부파일 한글파일 참고)



다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?

Sociologist Brooke Harrington said if there was an E=mc2 of social science, it would be SD>PD, “social death is more frightening than physical death.” This is why we feel deeply threatened when a new idea challenges the ones that have become part of our identity. For some ideas, the ones that identify us as members of a group, we don’t reason as individuals; we reason as a member of a tribe. We want to seem trustworthy, and reputation management as a trustworthy individual often overrides most other concerns, even our own mortality. This is not entirely irrational. A human alone in this world faces a lot of difficulty, but being alone in the world before modern times was almost certainly a death sentence. So we carry with us an innate drive to form groups, join groups, remain in those groups, and oppose other groups. But once you can identify them, you start favoring us; so much so that given a choice between an outcome that favors both groups a lot or one that favors both much less but still favors yours more than theirs, that’s the one you will pick.

*innate: 타고난


tendency to prefer the group that one identifies with

necessity of social isolation to build a reputation

ways to ease one’s irrational fear of crowds

importance of forming groups with different interests

tips for staying objective during heated group discussions





다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?

During the day, a molecule called adenosine builds up in your brain. Adenosine binds with receptors on nerve cells, or neurons, slowing down their activity and making you feel drowsy. But caffeine is also able to bind with these receptors, and by doing so it blocks adenosine’s effect, making your neurons fire more and keeping you alert. Caffeine also activates a gland at the base of your brain. This releases hormones that tell the adrenal glands on your kidneys to produce adrenaline, causing your heart to beat faster and your blood pressure to rise. If, however, your daily caffeine intake is consistent, your brain will adapt to it. Your brain is like, ‘Okay, every morning I’m getting this caffeine that’s binding to these receptors and blocking adenosine from binding to them.’ So your brain creates extra receptors to give adenosine more of an opportunity to bind with them and have its usual effect. And more adenosine is also produced to counteract the caffeine. That’s why it takes more and more caffeine to have the same effect.

*drowsy: 나른한 **gland: (분비)


what your brain does for regular hormone production

consequences of sleep deprivation caused by caffeine

connection between brain health and hormone balance

efforts to overcome the constant temptation of caffeine

how your brain adapts to a steady caffeine consumption







다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?

While many city shoppers were clearly drawn to the notion of buying and eating foods associated with nature, the nature claimed by the ads was no longer the nature that created the foods. Indeed, the nature claimed by many ads was associated with food products only by the ads’ attachment. This is clearly a case of what French sociologist Henri Lefebvre has called “the decline of the referentials,” or the tendency of words under the influence of capitalism to become separated from meaningful associations. Increasingly, food ads helped shoppers become accustomed to new definitions of words such as “fresh” and “natural,” definitions that could well be considered opposite of their traditional meanings. The new definitions better served the needs of the emerging industrial food system, which could not supply foods that matched customary meanings and expectations. And they better met shoppers’ desires, although with pretense.


decline of reliability in the ads of natural foods

changes in the senses of words linked to food ads

influence of capitalism on the industrial food system

various ways to attract customers in the food industry

necessity of meaningful word associations in commercials





다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은? [3]

Natural disasters and aging are two problems that societies have been dealing with for all of human history. Governments must respond to both, but their dynamics are entirely different and this has profound consequences for the nature of the response. Simply by plotting the aging slope, policy makers go a long way toward understanding the problem: People get older at a constant and reliable rate. There can be disagreements over how to solve the aging problem (this is political complexity), but the nature of the problem is never in dispute. Plotting the number of people killed in natural disasters does very little to advance understanding of this problem other than emphasizing the randomness of natural disasters. Preparing a policy response is, therefore, much easier in some areas than in others. When inputs are reliable and easy to predict, it greatly facilitates information processing and allows for anticipatory problem­solving. When problems are causally complex and multivariate, determining the appropriate response is a reactionary endeavor.


risks of hasty decision­making during natural disasters

reasons for governmental concern about aging populations

significance of studying the comprehensive history of policy making

different approaches of governments depending on the nature of the problem

advantages of anticipatory problem­solving in dealing with social problems






다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은? [3]

It is much more natural to be surprised by unusual phenomena like eclipses than ordinary phenomena like falling bodies or the succession of night into day and day into night. Many cultures invented gods to explain these eclipses that shocked, frightened, or surprised them; but very few imagined a god of falling bodiesto which they were so accustomed that they did not even notice them. But the reason for eclipses is ultimately the same as that of the succession of night and day: the movement of celestial bodies, which itself is based on the Newtonian law of attraction and how it explains why things fall when we let them go. For the physicist, understanding the ordinary, the habitual, and the frequent thus allows us to account for the frightening and the singular. As such, it was thus necessary to ask “Why do things fall?” and to have Newton’s response to understand a broad range of much more bizarre phenomena occurring at every level of the universe.

*eclipse: 일식, 월식 **celestial: 천체의 ***bizarre: 이상한


widespread preference for mythical explanations over scientific ones

limitations of Newtonian law in explaining eclipse phenomena

influence of scientific interpretations on perceptions of reality

need to pose questions about the usual to understand the unusual

difficulty of drawing general conclusions from unusual phenomena






다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?

The human desire to make pictures is deeply rooted. At least 64,000 years ago, Neanderthals used colored oxide and charcoal to make paintings of large wild animals, tracings of human hands, and abstract patterns on cave and rock walls. Today, people create images with a multitude of mediums, including photography. What drives this picturemaking impulse? Some make pictures for commercial reasons. Others create informational systems or employ scientific imaging tools to visualize the unseen. Artists use images expressionistically, to conceptualize and articulate who they are and how they view the world. However, the fundamental motive for making the vast majority of pictures is a desire to preserve: to document, and therefore honor, specific people, events, and possessions of importance. Regardless of purpose, the making of images persists because words alone cannot always provide a satisfactory way to describe and express our relationship to the world. Pictures are an essential component of how humans observe, communicate, celebrate, comment, and, most of all, remember. What and how we remember shapes our worldview, and pictures can provide a stimulus to jog one’s memory.

*oxide: 산화물 **impulse: 충동

***articulate: 분명히 표현하다


factors that influence the art evaluation process

difference between commercial images and informative pictures

explanation for the human desire of creating images to remember

benefits of written records in understanding our ancestors

change in the value of the same painting across history





다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?

The arrival of the Industrial Age changed the relationship among time, labor, and capital. Factories could produce around the clock, and they could do so with greater speed and volume than ever before. A machine that runs twelve hours a day will produce more widgets than one that runs for only eight hours per dayand a machine that runs twenty-four hours per day will produce the most widgets of all. As such, at many factories, the workday is divided into eight-hour shifts, so that there will always be people on hand to keep the widget machines humming. Industrialization raised the potential value of every single work hourthe more hours you worked, the more widgets you produced, and the more money you madeand thus wages became tied to effort and production. Labor, previously guided by harvest cycles, became clock-oriented, and society started to reorganize around new principles of productivity.

*widget: 제품


shift in the work-time paradigm brought about by industrialization

effects of standardizing production procedures on labor markets

influence of industrialization on the machine-human relationship

efficient ways to increase the value of time in the Industrial Age

problems that excessive work hours have caused for laborers





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고3-[2024년 모의고사 유형별] 주제(학생용).hwp
고3-[2024년 모의고사 유형별] 주제(교사용).hwp