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고3 모의고사 수능 유형별 독해/2024학년도 유형별 독해

2024년 고3 모의고사 유형별 정리(요지)-학생용 교사용

by 최겅영어 2025. 2. 17.

모의고사 유형별 정리(요지)- 학생용 교사용

모의고사 기출문제를 유형별로 분류해서 학습하는데 도움이 되고자 만들었습니다.


학생들 모의고사 문제 푸는 방법 연습할때 유용합니다.(첨부파일 한글파일 참고)




다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?

Though it may seem extreme, a multilingual can quite literally feel differently about people, events or things when using one language versus another. The likelihood of being rattled by curse words or taboo words changes across native and second languages. Speakers of multiple languages not only report feeling different, but their bodies have different physiological reactions and their minds make different emotionally driven decisions across languages. The exact relationship between positive and negative emotions and language varies across people. For some, the second language carries more positive connotations because it is associated with freedom, opportunity, financial well-being and escape from persecution, whereas the native language is associated with poverty and hardship. For others, the opposite is truethe second language is associated with post-immigration challenges, discrimination and lack of close relationships, whereas the native language is associated with family, friends and parental love. And many are somewhere in between, having a mix of positive and negative experiences associated with each language.

*rattle: 당황하게[겁먹게] 하다 **connotation: 함축(된 의미)

***persecution: 박해


다중 언어 환경은 모국어 학습 발달을 지연시킨다.

모국어 실력이 뛰어날수록 외국어를 습득하는 속도가 빠르다.

다중 언어 사용자는 사용하는 언어에 따라 다르게 느끼고 반응한다.

부정적인 어휘가 긍정적인 어휘보다 감정에 미치는 영향이 크다.

긍정적인 감정을 나타내는 어휘량이 문화권마다 다르다.




다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?

Most opposition to wilderness preservation doesn’t come from environmentalists but from corporate interests and developers. When wild places are designated as wilderness, they are closed to most commercial activities and residential or infrastructure development. There is thus frequently an economic cost to wilderness preservation. Some critics claim that when wilderness and economic interests clash, economic interests should normally prevail. This argument, even if it is sound, won’t exclude all wilderness preservation efforts, because some wilderness areas have little economic value. But a deeper problem with the argument is that it views nature from a human-focused and excessively economic point of view. Allowing economic considerations to outweigh all other forms of value is inconsistent with the biocentric reasons that support wilderness preservation. Thus, while it certainly makes sense to weigh the economic costs of wilderness protection, especially when such costs are high, the biocentric values underlying wilderness preservation exclude viewing economic considerations as the most important.


야생 보호 구역 보존의 생명 중심적 가치는 경제적 고려에 우선한다.

자연과의 공존을 고려한 상업 활동이 기업에 경제적 이익을 가져다준다.

야생 보호에 있어 우선적으로 고려하는 가치는 문화에 따라 다양하다.

야생 보호는 경제적 가치와 상관없이 모든 생물에 똑같이 적용된다.

야생의 보호와 회복을 위한 비용 부담은 공동체 모두의 몫이다.




다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?

In both the ancient hunter-gatherer band and our intimate speech communities today, the diffusion of speech shaped values. The fact that everyone was going to be able to speak and listen had to be accommodated ethically, and it was via a rough egalitarianism. In terms of communications, people were equal and therefore it was believed they should be equal, or at least relatively so. By this code, ancient Big Men were not allowed to act controllingly and modern office managers are not allowed to silence anyone at will. Moreover, equal access to speech and hearing promoted the notion that property should be held in common, that goods and food in particular should be shared, and that everyone had a duty to take care of everyone else. This was probably more true among hunter-gatherers than it is in the modern family, circle of friends, or workplace. But even in these cases we believe that sharing and mutual aid are right and proper. Remember, if you bring something, you should bring enough for everyone.

*diffusion: 확산 **egalitarianism: 인류 평등주의


수렵인과 현대인은 언어에 대한 유사한 가치를 가지고 있다.

인간은 언어를 사용하여 자원을 보다 효율적으로 배분해 왔다.

현대 사회는 고대 수렵 사회보다 평등한 체계에 의해 운영된다.

인간 의사소통의 평등성은 공유와 공조 가치 기반을 형성했다.

인간은 의사소통을 통해 자원을 공유하는 평등한 사회를 건설했다.





다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?

The relevance of science in understanding organizational behavior can start with asking this question: Why do good managers make bad decisions? Too often managers make mistakes when it comes to fostering conditions that inspire positive outcomes in the workplace, such as performance, satisfaction, team cohesion, and ethical behavior. Why does this happen? Part of the reason is that rather than relying on a clearly validated set of scientific discoveries, managers use less reliable sources of insight such as gut feel, intuition, the latest trend, what a highly paid consultant might say, or what is being done in another company. Like most of us, managers tend to rely on their own strengths and experiences when making choices about how to get the best from others. But what works for one manager may not work for another. In the absence of a scientific approach, managers tend to make mistakes, offer ill­conceived incentives, misinterpret employee behavior, and fail to account for the many possible explanations for why employees might perform poorly.


직원들의 성과에 대한 다양한 평가 기준이 필요하다.

성공적인 관리자는 실패로부터 교훈을 이끌어 낸다.

직원 간의 목표 공유가 조직을 결속하는 데 효과적이다.

조직 문화의 혁신적 변화를 위해서는 관리자의 경험에 의한 직관이 중요하다.

조직 행동 이해에서 관리자가 과학적 접근법을 활용하지 않으면 잘못된 판단을 할 수 있다.





다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?

Even though there is good reason to consider a dog a sentient being capable of making choices and plansso that we might suppose ‘it could have conceived of acting otherwise’we’re unlikely to think it is wicked and immoral for attacking a child. Moral responsibility is not some universal concept like entropy or temperaturesomething that applies equally, and can be measured similarly, everywhere in the cosmos. It is a notion developed specifically for human use, no more or less than languages are. While sentience and volition are aspects of mind and agency, morals are cultural tools developed to influence social behaviour: to cultivate the desirable and discourage the harmful. They are learnt, not given at birth. It’s possible, indeed likely, that we are born with a predisposition to cooperate with othersbut only within human society do we come to understand this as moral behaviour.

*sentient: 지각력이 있는 **volition: 의지


도덕성은 자신의 선택에 대해 책임을 진다는 개념이다.

동물과 인간을 구별하는 중요한 특징은 분별력과 언어이다.

도덕성은 학습되는 문화적 도구로서 인간 사회에만 나타난다.

동물과 인간은 공통적으로 다른 개체와 협력하는 경향이 있다.

문화적 도구로서의 도덕성은 개체의 의사 결정에 영향을 미친다.





다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?

Technical, book knowledge consists of “formulated rules which are, or may be, deliberately learned.” Practical knowledge, on the other hand, cannot be taught or learned but only transmitted and acquired. It exists only in practice. When we talk about practical knowledge, we tend to use bodily metaphors. We say that somebody has a touch for doing some activityan ability to hit the right piano key with just enough force and pace. We say that somebody has a feel for the game, an intuition for how events are going to unfold, an awareness of when you should plow ahead with a problem and when you should put it aside before coming back to it. When the expert is using her practical knowledge, she isn’t thinking more; she is thinking less. She has built up a repertoire of skills through habit and has thereby extended the number of tasks she can perform without conscious awareness. This sort of knowledge is built up through experience, and it is passed along through shared experience.

*intuition: 직감, 직관 **plow ahead: 밀고 나가다


실용적 지식은 실행과 경험을 통해 체득되고 전수된다.

직감에 의한 판단이 옳아 보여도 심사숙고의 과정은 필요하다.

기술적 지식을 완전히 이해해야만 이를 실제로 적용할 수 있다.

상황에 맞게 행동하게 하는 실용적 지식은 타고나는 능력이다.

실용적 지식과 기술적 지식의 균형 있는 학습이 중요하다.





다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?

The ability to understand emotionsto have a diverse emotion vocabulary and to understand the causes and consequences of emotionis particularly relevant in group settings. Individuals who are skilled in this domain are able to express emotions, feelings and moods accurately and thus, may facilitate clear communication between co-workers. Furthermore, they may be more likely to act in ways that accommodate their own needs as well as the needs of others (i.e. cooperate). In a group conflict situation, for example, a member with a strong ability to understand emotion will be able to express how he feels about the problem and why he feels this way. He also should be able to take the perspective of the other group members and understand why they are reacting in a certain manner. Appreciation of differences creates an arena for open communication and promotes constructive conflict resolution and improved group functioning.


집단 구성원 간 갈등 해소를 위해 감정 조절이 중요하다.

감정 이해 능력은 집단 내 원활한 소통과 협력을 촉진한다.

타인에 대한 공감 능력은 자신의 감정 표현 능력을 향상한다.

감정 관련 어휘에 대한 지식은 공감 능력 발달의 기반이 된다.

자신의 감정 상태에 대한 이해는 사회성 함양에 필수적 요소이다.


첨부파일 확인하실때 좋아요(하트)만 눌러주세요~

고3-[2024년 모의고사 유형별]요지(학생용).hwp
고3-[2024년 모의고사 유형별]요지(교사용).hwp