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고3 모의고사 수능 유형별 독해/2024학년도 유형별 독해

2024년 고3 모의고사 유형별 정리(문단요약)- 학생용 교사용

by 최겅영어 2025. 2. 18.

모의고사 유형별 정리(문단요약)- 학생용 교사용

모의고사 기출문제를 유형별로 분류해서 학습하는데 도움이 되고자 만들었습니다.


학생들 모의고사 문제 푸는 방법 연습할때 유용합니다.(첨부파일 한글파일 참고)




다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

“Brain plasticity” is a term we use in neuroscience. Whether intentionally or not, “plasticity” suggests that the key idea is to mold something once and keep it that way forever: to shape the plastic toy and never change it again. But that’s not what the brain does. It carries on remolding itself throughout your life. Think of a developing city, and note the way it grows, improves, and responds to the world around it. Observe where the city builds its truck stops, how it crafts its immigration policies, and how it modifies its education and legal systems. A city is always changing. A city is not designed by urban planners and then immobilized like a plastic object. It continually develops. Just like cities, brains never reach an end point. We spend our lives blossoming toward something, even as the target moves. Consider the feeling of encountering a diary that you wrote many years ago. It represents the thinking, opinions, and viewpoint of someone who was a bit different from who you are now, and that previous person can sometimes border on the unrecognizable. Despite having the same name and the same early history, in the years between inscription and interpretation the narrator has altered. The word “plastic” can be stretched to fit this notion of ongoing change.

*mold: 성형(成形)하다 **inscription: 새겨진 글, 명문(銘文)

While some understand “brain plasticity” to mean (A)______________ upon molding, the brain is actually capable of (B)______________.


(A)                       (B)

permanence    transformation

flexibility          sympathizing

adaptability     restoration

firmness          sympathizing

mobility            transformation




다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

In one study, researchers gave more than five hundred visitors to an art museum a special glove that reported their movement patterns along with physiological data such as their heart rates. The data showed that when people were not distracted by chatting with companions, they actually had a stronger emotional response to the art. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with chatting and letting the art slide past, but think of the inspiration those museum visitors missed out on. Then apply that to life in general. When we surround ourselves with other people, we’re not just missing out on the finer details of an art exhibition. We’re missing out on the chance to reflect and understand ourselves better. In fact, studies show that if we never allow ourselves to be alone, it’s just plain harder for us to learn. Other research found that young people who cannot stand being alone were less likely to develop creative skills like playing an instrument or writing because the most effective practice of these abilities is often done while alone.

*physiological: 생리적인

The study above shows (A)______________ conversation with companions while exploring an art museum intensifies emotional response to art, suggesting that absence of alone time may (B)______________ personal growth and learning.


(A)                          (B)

avoiding         inhibit

recalling       restrain

preventing    enhance

facilitating     nurture

dominating    minimize





다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

There is a tendency, once the dust of an emergency has settled down, to seek the reduction of famine vulnerability primarily in enhanced economic growth, or the revival of the rural economy, or the diversification of economic activities. The potential contribution of greater economic success, if it involves vulnerable groups, cannot be denied. At the same time, it is important to recognize that, no matter how fast they grow, countries where a large part of the population derive their livelihood from uncertain sources cannot hope to prevent famines without specialized entitlement protection mechanisms involving direct public intervention. Rapid growth of the economy in Botswana, or of the agricultural sector in Kenya, or of food production in Zimbabwe, explains at best only a small part of their success in preventing recurrent threats of famine. The real achievements of these countries lie in having provided direct public support to their populations in times of crisis.

*famine: 기아 **vulnerability: 취약

Although economic growth can be somewhat (A)______________ in diminishing a country’s risk of famine, direct approaches to helping the affected people play a(n) (B)______________ role in this process.


(A)                                    (B)

productive         complicated

fruitful                critical

dominant           comprehensive

restrictive          appropriate

desirable           cost-effective





다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? [3]

Communication is decisively influenced by how the partners define their relationship with each other at every moment of the communication process. If the communication is symmetrical, this means that both communication partners strive for equality and interact accordingly. They behave as mirror images of each other, so to speak. Strength is mirrored with strength, weakness is mirrored with weakness, or hardness is mirrored with hardness, etc. Complementary communication shows a matching difference in behaviour. It is not a matter of up and down, strong and weak, or good and bad, but of matching and expected difference. Such complementary relationships occur between teachers and students, mother and child, or managers and employees, etc. What the expectations are in such relationships depends, among other things, on the cultural background. If the expectations of complementarity are not met, communication breakdowns occur. For example, if an older person in Japan is not treated with a certain respect by a younger person, this circumstance can significantly impair communication or even make it impossible.

The way the communication partners (A)______________ their relationship determines the types of communication; symmetrical communication revolves around the pursuit of equality and the (B)______________ interaction between them, whereas complementary communication involves aligning with matching and expected differences based on cultural background.


(A)                                         (B)

perceive                     corresponding

describe                     postponed

manipulate                 transactional

regulate                      intimate

develop                      lasting





다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

Human speech differs from the cries of other species in many ways. One very important distinction is that all other animals use one call for one message as the general principle of communication. This means that the number of possible messages is very restricted. If a new message is to be included in the system, a new sound has to be introduced, too. After the first few tens of sounds it becomes difficult to invent new distinctive sounds, and also to remember them for the next time they are needed. Human speech builds on the principle of combining a restricted number of sounds into an unlimited number of messages. In a typical human language there are something like thirty or forty distinctive speech sounds. These sounds can be combined into chains to form a literally unlimited number of words. Even a small child, who can communicate by only one word at a time, uses a system for communication that is infinitely superior to any system utilized by any other animal.

In animal cries, each call (A)______________ a different message, which limits the number of possible messages, whereas human language creates an unlimited number of messages using a (B)______________ set of distinctive sounds.


(A)                                        (B)

represents                        finite

symbolizes                       universal

distorts                             fixed

expresses                        novel

records                            complex





다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

Philosophical interest in poetry has been dominated by the question of whether poetry can aid philosophical thought and promote philosophical inquiry. This focus reflects a tradition of philosophers like Pope and Rumi presenting their philosophical work in verse. In addition, poets like William Wordsworth and T. S. Eliot have been celebrated as poet-philosophers, with their work valued as the product of philosophy through poetry. However, arguments against poetry having a role to play in philosophical inquiry have tended to focus on poetry’s (negative) relationship to truth (or, as John Koethe puts it, poetry’s indifference to truth). Although we may accept works of poetry as having philosophical themes, this does not amount to doing philosophy through poetry. One such argument hinges on the non-paraphrasability of poetry and form-content unity. The thought goes, if poetry is to play a role in philosophy, then it needs to be paraphrasable (that is, its content must be separable from its form). The assumption is that paraphrase is a mark of understanding and indicates that some proposition has a fixed meaning and that only a proposition with a fixed meaning can be evaluated in terms of truth or falsity. Poetry resists paraphrase: to change the words is to change the poem.

*hinge on: ~의 여하에 달려 있다 **proposition: 명제

Some believe in the ability of poetry to (A)______________ philosophy, but for others, its resistance to paraphrasing (B)______________ its philosophical role.


(A)                                               (B)

misinterpret                          limits

deliver                                  expands

convey                                 restricts

reexamine                           reinforces

seek                                    broadens





다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

People often assume that synthetic food ingredients are more harmful than natural ones, but this is not always the case. Typically, synthetic ingredients can be made in a precisely controlled fashion and have well-defined compositions and properties, allowing careful evaluation of their potential toxicity. On the other hand, natural ingredients often vary appreciably in their composition and properties depending on their origin, the time of year they were harvested, the climate they experienced throughout their lifetime, the soil quality, and how they were isolated and stored. These variations can make testing their safety extremely difficultone is never sure about the potential toxicity of minor components that may vary from time to time. In some cases, a natural food component has been consumed for hundreds or thousands of years without causing any obvious health problems and can, therefore, be assumed to be safe. However, one must still be very careful.

*synthetic: 합성의

The (A)______________ of the production process for synthetic food ingredients and the variability of natural food ingredients may (B)______________ people’s commonly held assumption that the natural ingredients are more secure.


(A)                                        (B)

controllability              challenge

predictability               support

manageability             intensify

affordability                 reverse

accessibility               question


첨부파일 확인하실때 좋아요(하트)만 눌러주세요~


고3-[2024년 모의고사 유형별]문단요약(학생용).hwp
고3-[2024년 모의고사 유형별]문단요약(교사용).hwp