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고1 모의고사 유형별 독해/2024학년도 유형별독해

2024년 고1 유형별 독해 정리(순서배열)- 학생용 교사용

by 최겅영어 2025. 2. 4.

유형별 독해 정리(순서배열)- 학생용 교사용

모의고사 기출문제를 유형별로 분류해서  사용하시는데 도움이 되고자 만들었습니다.

학생들 모의고사 문제 푸는 방법 연습할때 유용합니다.(첨부파일 한글파일 참고)



주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

In many sports, people realized the difficulties and even impossibilities of young children participating fully in many adult sport environments.


(A) As examples, baseball has T ball, football has flag football and junior soccer uses a smaller and lighter ball and (sometimes) a smaller field. All have junior competitive structures where children play for shorter time periods and often in smaller teams.

(B) In a similar way, tennis has adapted the court areas, balls and rackets to make them more appropriate for children under 10. The adaptations are progressive and relate to the age of the child.

(C) They found the road to success for young children is unlikely if they play on adult fields, courts or arenas with equipment that is too large, too heavy or too fast for them to handle while trying to compete in adult­style competition. Common sense has prevailed: different sports have made adaptations for children.

*prevail: 널리 퍼지다


(A)-(C)-(B) (B)-(A)-(C) (B)-(C)-(A)

(C)-(A)-(B) (C)-(B)-(A)





주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

With no horses available, the Inca empire excelled at delivering messages on foot.


(A) When a messenger neared the next hut, he began to call out and repeated the message three or four times to the one who was running out to meet him. The Inca empire could relay messages 1,000 miles (1,610 km) in three or four days under good conditions.

(B) The messengers were stationed on the royal roads to deliver the Inca king’s orders and reports coming from his lands. Called Chasquis, they lived in groups of four to six in huts, placed from one to two miles apart along the roads.

(C) They were all young men and especially good runners who watched the road in both directions. If they caught sight of another messenger coming, they hurried out to meet them. The Inca built the huts on high ground, in sight of one another.

*excel: 탁월하다 **messenger: 전령


(A)-(C)-(B) (B)-(A)-(C) (B)-(C)-(A)

(C)-(A)-(B) (C)-(B)-(A)




주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. [3]

As businesses shift some core business activities to digital, such as sales, marketing, or archiving, it is assumed that the impact on the environment will be less negative.


(A) When we store bigger data on clouds, increased carbon emissions make our green clouds gray. The carbon footprint of an email is smaller than mail sent via a post office, but still, it causes four grams of CO, and it can be as much as 50 grams if the attachment is big.

(B) However, digital business activities can still threaten the environment. In some cases, the harm of digital businesses can be even more hazardous. A few decades ago, offices used to have much more paper waste since all documents were paper based.

(C) When workplaces shifted from paper to digital documents, invoices, and emails, it was a promising step to save trees. However, the cost of the Internet and electricity for the environment is neglected. A recent Wired report declared that most data centers’ energy source is fossil fuels.


(A)-(C)-(B) (B)-(A)-(C) (B)-(C)-(A)

(C)-(A)-(B) (C)-(B)-(A)





주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

Problems often arise if an exotic species is suddenly introduced to an ecosystem.


(A) The grey had the edge because it can adapt its diet; it is able, for instance, to eat green acorns, while the red can only digest mature acorns. Within the same area of forest, grey squirrels can destroy the food supply before red squirrels even have a bite.

(B) Britain’s red and grey squirrels provide a clear example. When the grey arrived from America in the 1870s, both squirrel species competed for the same food and habitat, which put the native red squirrel populations under pressure.

(C) Greys can also live more densely and in varied habitats, so have survived more easily when woodland has been destroyed. As a result, the red squirrel has come close to extinction in England.

*edge: 우위 **acorn: 도토리


(A)-(C)-(B) (B)-(A)-(C) (B)-(C)-(A)

(C)-(A)-(B) (C)-(B)-(A)




주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

The discovery of mirror neurons has profoundly changed the way we think of a fundamental human capacity, learning by observation.


(A) You may not see the tongue stick out each time you stick yours out at your newborn, but if you do it many times, the tongue will come out more often than if you do something different. Babies babble and later start to imitate the sounds their parents produce.

(B) As children we learn a lot by observing what our parents and friends do. Newborns, in the first week of life, have an inborn tendency to stick out their tongue if their parents stick out theirs. Such imitation is not perfect.

(C) Later still, they play with vacuum cleaners and hammers in imitation of their parents. Our modern cultures, in which we write, speak, read, build spaceships and go to school, can work only because we are not restricted to the behavior we are born with or learn by trial and error. We can learn a lot by simply watching others.

*babble: 옹알이하다


(A)-(C)-(B) (B)-(A)-(C) (B)-(C)-(A)

(C)-(A)-(B) (C)-(B)-(A)




주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. [3]

Have you ever been surprised to hear a recording of your own voice? You might have thought, “Is that really what my voice sounds like?”


(A) There are two pathways through which we perceive our own voice when we speak. One is the route through which we perceive most external sounds, like waves that travel from the air through the outer, middle and inner ear.

(B) But because our vocal cords vibrate when we speak, there is a second internal path. Vibrations are conducted through our bones and stimulate our inner ears directly. Lower frequencies are emphasized along this pathway. That makes your voice sound deeper and richer to yourself than it may sound to other people.

(C) Maybe your accent is more pronounced in the recording than you realized, or your voice is higher than it seems to your own ears. This is of course quite a common experience. The explanation is actually fairly simple.

*vocal cords: 성대 **frequency: 주파수


(A)-(C)-(B) (B)-(A)-(C) (B)-(C)-(A)

(C)-(A)-(B) (C)-(B)-(A)





주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. [3]

As individuals, our ability to thrive depended on how well we navigated relationships in a group. If the group valued us, we could count on support, resources, and probably a mate.


(A) And, crucially, they are meant to make that motivation feel like it is coming from within. If we realized, on a conscious level, that we were responding to social pressure, our performance might come off as grudging or cynical, making it less persuasive.

(B) If it didn’t, we might get none of these merits. It was a matter of survival, physically and genetically. Over millions of years, the pressure selected for people who are sensitive to and skilled at maximizing their standing.

(C) The result was the development of a tendency to unconsciously monitor how other people in our community perceive us. We process that information in the form of self-esteem and such related emotions as pride, shame, or insecurity. These emotions compel us to do more of what makes our community value us and less of what doesn’t.

*grudging: 투덜대는


(A)-(C)-(B) (B)-(A)-(C) (B)-(C)-(A)

(C)-(A)-(B) (C)-(B)-(A)





주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

Conventional medicine has long believed that depression is caused by an imbalance of neurotransmitters in the brain.


(A) However, there is a major problem with this explanation. This is because the imbalance of substances in the brain is a consequence of depression, not its cause. In other words, depression causes a decrease in brain substances such as serotonin and noradrenaline, not a decrease in brain substances causes depression.

(B) If it is not consciousness itself, then the root cause of depression is also a distortion of our state of consciousness: a consciousness that has lost its sense of self and the meaning of life. Such a disease of consciousness may manifest itself in the form of depression.

(C) In this revised cause-and-effect, the key is to reframe depression as a problem of consciousness. Our consciousness is a more fundamental entity that goes beyond the functioning of the brain. The brain is no more than an organ of consciousness.

*neurotransmitter: 신경 전달 물질

**manifest: (명백히) 나타내다


(A)-(C)-(B) (B)-(A)-(C) (B)-(C)-(A)

(C)-(A)-(B) (C)-(B)-(A)


고1-[2024년 모의고사 유형별] 순서배열 (학생용).hwp
고1-[2024년 모의고사 유형별] 순서배열 (교사용).hwp