유형별 독해 정리(요지)- 학생용 교사용
모의고사 기출문제를 유형별로 분류해서 수업시간에 사용하시는데 도움이 되고자 만들었습니다.
학생들 모의고사 문제 푸는 방법 연습할때 유용합니다.
학생용과 교사용으로 분류해서 올리며 고1,고2,고3 2024년도 모의고사를 정리해서 올릴 예정입니다.
다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?
When we think of leaders, we may think of people such as Abraham Lincoln or Martin Luther King, Jr. If you consider the historical importance and farreaching influence of these individuals, leadership might seem like a noble and high goal. But like all of us, these people started out as students, workers, and citizens who possessed ideas about how some aspect of daily life could be improved on a larger scale. Through diligence and experience, they improved upon their ideas by sharing them with others, seeking their opinions and feedback and constantly looking for the best way to accomplish goals for a group. Thus we all have the potential to be leaders at school, in our communities, and at work, regardless of age or experience.
*diligence: 근면
① 훌륭한 리더는 고귀한 목표를 위해 희생적인 삶을 산다.
② 위대한 인물은 위기의 순간에 뛰어난 결단력을 발휘한다.
③ 공동체를 위한 아이디어를 발전시키는 누구나 리더가 될 수 있다.
④ 다른 사람의 의견을 경청하는 자세는 목표 달성에 가장 중요하다.
⑤ 근면하고 경험이 풍부한 사람들은 경제적으로 성공할 수 있다.
다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?
When it comes to helping out, you don’t have to do much. All you have to do is come around and show that you care. If you notice someone who is lonely, you could go and sit with them. If you work with someone who eats lunch all by themselves, and you go and sit down with them, they will begin to be more social after a while, and they will owe it all to you. A person’s happiness comes from attention. There are too many people out in the world who feel like everyone has forgotten them or ignored them. Even if you say hi to someone passing by, they will begin to feel better about themselves, like someone cares.
① 사소한 관심이 타인에게 도움이 될 수 있다.
② 사람마다 행복의 기준이 제각기 다르다.
③ 선행을 통해 자신을 되돌아볼 수 있다.
④ 원만한 대인 관계는 경청에서 비롯된다.
⑤ 현재에 대한 만족이 행복의 필수조건이다.
다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?
Our emotions are thought to exist because they have contributed to our survival as a species. Fear has helped us avoid dangers, expressing anger helps us scare off threats, and expressing positive emotions helps us bond with others. From an evolutionary perspective, an emotion is a kind of “program” that, when triggered, directs many of our activities (including attention, perception, memory, movement, expressions, etc.). For example, fear makes us very attentive, narrows our perceptual focus to threatening stimuli, will cause us either to face a situation (fight) or avoid it (flight), and may cause us to remember an experience more acutely (so that we avoid the threat in the future). Regardless of the specific ways in which they activate our systems, the specific emotions we possess are thought to exist because they have helped us (as a species) survive challenges within our environment long ago. If they had not helped us adapt and survive, they would not have evolved with us.
① 과거의 경험이 현재의 감정에 영향을 미친다.
② 문명의 발달에 따라 인간의 감정은 다양화되어 왔다.
③ 감정은 인간이 생존하도록 도와왔기 때문에 존재한다.
④ 부정적인 감정은 긍정적인 감정보다 더 오래 기억된다.
⑤ 두려움의 원인을 파악함으로써 두려움을 없앨 수 있다.
다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?
In his Cornell laboratory, David Dunning conducted experimental tests of eyewitness testimony and found evidence that a careful deliberation of facial features and a detailed discussion of selection procedures can actually be a sign of an inaccurate identification. It’s when people find themselves unable to explain why they recognize the person, saying things like “his face just popped out at me,” that they tend to be accurate more often. Sometimes our first, immediate, automatic reaction to a situation is the truest interpretation of what our mind is telling us. That very first impression can also be more accurate about the world than the deliberative, reasoned self-narrative can be. In his book Blink, Malcolm Gladwell describes a variety of studies in psychology and behavioral economics that demonstrate the superior performance of relatively unconscious first guesses compared to logical step-by-step justifications for a decision.
① 논리적인 근거가 부족한 판단은 진실을 왜곡할 수 있다.
② 인간의 표정은 무의식적인 감정 상태를 가장 잘 반영한다.
③ 사람을 정확하게 식별하기 위해서는 상황에 대한 정보가 중요하다.
④ 목격자 진술은 사건 직후보다 일정 시간이 지난 뒤 더 명확해진다.
⑤ 무의식적인 최초의 반응이 신중히 판단한 결과보다 정확할 수 있다.
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