모의고사 유형별 정리(주제) - 학생용 교사용
모의고사 기출문제를 유형별로 분류해서 수업시간에 사용하시는데 도움이 되고자 만들었습니다.
학생들 모의고사 문제 푸는 방법 연습할때 유용합니다.(첨부파일 한글파일 참고)
다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?
Empathy is frequently listed as one of the most desired skills in an employer or employee, although without specifying exactly what is meant by empathy. Some businesses stress cognitive empathy, emphasizing the need for leaders to understand the perspective of employees and customers when negotiating deals and making decisions. Others stress affective empathy and empathic concern, emphasizing the ability of leaders to gain trust from employees and customers by treating them with real concern and compassion. When some consultants argue that successful companies foster empathy, what that translates to is that companies should conduct good market research. In other words, an “empathic” company understands the needs and wants of its customers and seeks to fulfill those needs and wants. When some people speak of design with empathy, what that translates to is that companies should take into account the specific needs of different populations—the blind, the deaf, the elderly, non-English speakers, the color-blind, and so on—when designing products.
*empathy: 공감, 공감 능력 **compassion: 동정심
① diverse benefits of good market research
② negative factors in making business decisions
③ difficulties in designing products with empathic concern
④ efforts to build cognitive empathy among employees
⑤ different interpretations of empathy in business
다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?
If there is little or no diversity of views, and all scientists see, think, and question the world in a similar way, then they will not, as a community, be as objective as they maintain they are, or at least aspire to be. The solution is that there should be far greater diversity in the practice of science: in gender, ethnicity, and social and cultural backgrounds. Science works because it is carried out by people who pursue their curiosity about the natural world and test their and each other’s ideas from as many varied perspectives and angles as possible. When science is done by a diverse group of people, and if consensus builds up about a particular area of scientific knowledge, then we can have more confidence in its objectivity and truth.
*consensus: 일치
① value of acquiring scientific knowledge through trial and error
② necessity of various perspectives in practicing science
③ benefits of building good relationships among scientists
④ curiosity as a key factor in designing experiments
⑤ importance of specialization in scientific research
다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?
People seem to recognize that the arts are cultural activities that draw on (or react against) certain cultural traditions, certain shared understanding, and certain values and ideas that are characteristic of the time and place in which the art is created. In the case of science, however, opinions differ. Some scientists, like the great biologist J. B. S. Haldane, see science in a similar light—as a historical activity that occurs in a particular time and place, and that needs to be understood within that context. Others, however, see science as a purely “objective” pursuit, uninfluenced by the cultural viewpoint and values of those who create it. In describing this view of science, philosopher Hugh Lacey speaks of the belief that there is an underlying order of the world which is simply there to be discovered—the world of pure “fact” stripped of any link with value. The aim of science according to this view is to represent this world of pure “fact”, independently of any relationship it might bear contingently to human practices and experiences.
*contingently: 혹여라도
① misconceptions on how experimental data should be measured
② views on whether science is free from cultural context or not
③ ways for minimizing cultural bias in scientific pursuits
④ challenges in achieving objectivity in scientific studies
⑤ functions of science in analyzing cultural phenomena
다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?
Based on discoveries in neuroscience, pain and pleasure are formed and processed in the same area of the brain. Our bodies constantly strive for homeostasis, which is defined as the balance of bodily functions. Without the body’s effective compensatory mechanisms, which may cushion potential highs and lows, we would not be capable of surviving. Pleasure and pain are like two sides of the same coin; they seem to work together and are heavily reliant on one another and keep balance. If you imagine pleasure and pain as the two opposite points on a scale, you can easily understand that as one of the two points rises, the other must correspondingly fall. We’ve all heard the expression, “No pain, no gain.” Well, according to psychiatrist Dr. Anna Lembke, there may be some truth to these words. She says that our attempts to escape being miserable are in fact making us even more miserable. This is because pain is actually an essential component of our ability to maintain a neutral state, and allowing it will in turn reset our internal scale back to balance.
① interplay of multiple emotions that hinder homeostasis
② disruption of pleasure’s beneficial functioning due to pain
③ counteraction of pleasure and pain in maintaining stability
④ overflow of opposite feelings that induces emotional unrest
⑤ ignorance of necessity of other feelings than pain and pleasure
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