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고2 모의고사 변형/2024학년도 10월

함축의미-2024년 10월 고2 모의고사 변형문제-무료(지문변형)

by 야차써니의 영어이야기 2024. 12. 4.

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2024년 10월 고2 모의고사 33.


Some people argue that there is a single, logically consistent concept known as reading that can be neatly set apart from everything else people do with books. Is reading really that simple? The most productive way to think about reading is as a loosely related set of behaviors that belong together owing to family resemblances, as Ludwig Wittgenstein used the phrase, without having in common a single defining trait. Consequently, efforts to distinguish reading from nonreading are destined to fail because there is no agreement on what qualifies as reading in the first place. The more one tries to figure out where the border lies between reading and notreading, the more edge cases will be found to stretch the term’s flexible boundaries. Thus, it is worth attempting to collect together these exceptional forms of reading into a single forum, one highlighting the challenges faced by anyone wishing to establish the boundaries where reading begins and ends.

The attempt moves toward an understanding of "reading as a spectrum" that is expansive enough to accommodate the distinct reading activities.


Viewing reading as a continuum of activities rather than a single defined act

Classifying reading into strict categories to separate it from nonreading

Emphasizing the universal rules that govern all forms of reading

Simplifying the definition of reading to include only traditional practices

Creating a clear distinction between reading and other book-related activities



2024년 10월 고2 모의고사  34.


Weber’s law concerns the perception of difference between two stimuli. It suggests that we might not be able to detect a 1mm difference when we are looking at lines 466 mm and 467 mm in length, but we may be able to detect a 1mm difference when we are comparing a line 2 mm long with one 3 mm long. Another example of this principle is that we can detect 1 candle when it is lit in an otherwise dark room. But when 1 candle is lit in a room in which 100 candles are already burning, we may not notice the light from this candle. Therefore, "the just-noticeable difference" varies as a function of the strength of the signals. For example, the JND is greater for very loud noises than it is for much quieter sounds. When a sound is very weak, we can tell that another sound is louder, even if it is barely louder. When a sound is very loud, to tell that another sound is even louder, it has to be much louder. Thus, Weber’s law means that it is harder to distinguish between two samples when those samples are larger or stronger levels of the stimuli.


The smallest detectable difference between two stimuli under varying conditions

The difference in perception caused by changes in signal intensity

The capacity to recognize distinctions between two similar signals

The ability to notice changes only when stimuli are of equal strength

The relationship between stimulus strength and perceptual clarity



2024년 10월 고2 모의고사  35.



Any new resource (e.g., a new airport, a new mall) always opens with people benefiting individually by sharing a common resource (e.g., the city or state budget). Soon, at some point, the amount of traffic grows too large for the “commons” to support. Traffic jams, overcrowding, and overuse lessen the benefits of the common resource for everyonethe tragedy of the commons! If the new resource cannot be expanded or provided with additional space, it becomes a problem, and you cannot solve the problem on your own, in isolation from your fellow drivers or walkers or competing users. The total activity on this new resource keeps increasing, and so does individual activity; but if the dynamic of common use and overuse continues too long, both begin to fall after a peak, leading to a crash. What makes the "tragedy of the commons" tragic is the crash dynamicthe destruction or degeneration of the common resource’s ability to regenerate itself.


The eventual overuse of shared resources, leading to diminished benefits for everyone

The inability of individuals to cooperate, resulting in unsustainable practices

The difficulty of managing limited resources among competing users

The decline in the value of resources caused by mismanagement

The need to create exclusive rights for sustainable resource use




2024년 10월 고2 모의고사   36


Theoretically, our brain would have the capacity to store all experiences throughout life, reaching the quality of a DVD.

However, this theoretical capacity is offset by the energy demand associated with the process of storing and retrieving information in memory. As a result, the brain develops efficient strategies, becoming dependent on shortcuts.

When we observe a face, the visual image captured by the eyes is highly variable, depending on the point of view, lighting conditions, and other contextual factors. Nevertheless, we are able to recognize the face as the same, maintaining the underlying identity. The brain, rather than focusing on the details of visualization, creates and stores general patterns that allow for consistent recognition across diverse circumstances. "To simplify and generalize information" refers to the brain’s natural ability to process and store patterns that minimize effort while maximizing efficiency.


To categorize sensory inputs into broader patterns for faster retrieval

To focus on specific details to enhance memory storage

To eliminate unnecessary information to conserve energy

To adapt stored memories to new contexts for better recognition

To compress information into abstract forms for easier interpretation



2024년 10월 고2 모의고사 38


We encounter contrary claims about the relation of literature to action. Theorists have maintained that literature encourages solitary reading and reflection as the way to engage with the world and thus counters the social and political activities that might produce social change. At best, it encourages detachment or appreciation of complexity, and at worst, passivity and acceptance of what is. But on the other hand, literature has historically been seen as dangerous: it promotes the questioning of authority and social arrangements. Plato banned poets from his ideal republic because they could only do harm, and novels have long been credited with making people dissatisfied with their lives and eager for something new. By promoting identification across divisions of class, gender, and race, books may promote a fellowship that discourages struggle; but they may also produce a keen sense of injustice that makes progressive struggles possible. Historically, works of literature are credited with producing change: Uncle Tom’s Cabin, a bestseller in its day, helped create a revulsion against slavery that made possible the American Civil War. "Literature as a catalyst for change" reflects its ability to provoke social and political movements through its questioning of authority and illumination of injustice.


The role of literature in encouraging appreciation of societal norms

The potential of literature to provoke social and political transformation

The impact of literature in fostering fellowship and avoiding conflict

The capacity of literature to reinforce detachment from societal struggles

The influence of literature in discouraging action through passive reflection



2024년 10월 고2 모의고사  39.


According to Hobbes, man is not a being who can act morally in spite of his instinct to protect his existence in the state of nature. Hence, the only place where morality and moral liberty will begin to find an application is in a place where a sovereign power, namely the state, emerges. Hobbes thus describes "the state of nature" as a circumstance in which man’s life is “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.” It means when people live without a general power to control them all, they are indeed in a state of war. In other words, Hobbes, who accepted that human beings are not social and political beings in the state of nature, believes that without the power, human beings in the state of nature are “antisocial and rational based on their selfishness.”  Moreover, since society is not a natural phenomenon and there is no natural force bringing people together, what will bring them together as a society is not mutual affection according to Hobbes.

It is, rather, mutual fear of men’s present and future that assembles them, since the cause of fear is a common drive among people in the state of nature.


A condition where humans act morally and cooperatively without governance

A natural state of existence characterized by selfishness and fear-driven behavior

A period of history marked by mutual affection and the absence of conflict

A hypothetical state where humans are free from moral and societal obligations

A societal condition defined by the presence of a sovereign power



2024년 10월 고2 모의고사  40.


There is research that supports the idea that cognitive factors influence the phenomenology of the perceived world.

Delk and Fillenbaum asked participants to match the color of figures with the color of their background. Some of the figures depicted objects associated with a particular color. These included typically red objects such as an apple, lips, and a symbolic heart. Other objects were presented that are not usually associated with red, such as a mushroom or a bell. However, all the figures were made out of the same redorange cardboard. Participants then had to match the figure to a background varying from dark to light red. They had to make the background color match the color of the figures. The researchers found that redassociated objects required more red in the background to be judged a match than did the objects that are not associated with the color red. This implies that "cognitive association" influences how we perceive objects, as knowledge about an object’s typical color affects our judgment.   

The mental link between an object’s typical attributes and its perceived qualities

The physical perception of color based on the actual properties of the object

The process of matching sensory inputs without influence from prior knowledge

The relationship between background color and an object’s aesthetic appeal

The tendency to overlook perceptual differences due to preconceived notions



2024년 10월 고2 모의고사  41.


In each round of genome copying in our body, there is still about a 70 percent chance that at least one pair of chromosomes will have an error. With each round of genome copying, "errors accumulate". This is similar to alterations in medieval books. Each time a copy was made by hand, some changes were introduced accidentally; as changes stacked up, the copies may have acquired meanings at variance with the original. Similarly, genomes that have undergone more copying processes will have gathered more mistakes. To make things worse, mutations may damage genes responsible for error checking and repair of genomes, further accelerating the introduction of mutations. Most genome mutations do not have any noticeable effects. It is just like changing the “i” for a “y” in “kingdom” would not distort the word’s readability. But sometimes a mutation to a human gene results in, for example, an eye whose iris is of two different colors. Similarly, almost everyone has birthmarks, which are due to mutations that occurred as our body’s cells multiplied to form skin. If mutations are changes to the genome of one particular cell, how can a patch of cells in an iris or a whole patch of skin, consisting of many individual cells, be affected simultaneously? The answer lies in the cell lineage, the developmental history of a tissue from particular cells through to their fully differentiated state.


The reduction of noticeable effects caused by mutations over time

The steady improvement of genetic material through repeated copying

The tendency for errors in DNA to self-correct during genome replication

The consistent replication of identical genetic sequences across generations

The progressive accumulation of mutations that distort genetic information











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