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고2 모의고사 변형/2024학년도 10월

함축 의미 변형문제-난이도 상

by 최겅영어 2024. 12. 2.

2024학년도 10월 고2 모의고사 내신대비 변형문제- 난이도 상

난이도를 올리기 위해서 학교에서 모의고사 원래 지문을 변형에서 시험에 내는 경우가 있어서 그에 맞게 변형문제를 제작하여 올립니다. 


20번 지문 변형



To be mathematically literate means to be able to think critically about societal issues on which mathematics has bearing so as to make informed decisions about how to solve these problems. Dealing with such complex problems through interdisciplinary approaches, mirroring realworld problems requires innovative ways of planning and organizing mathematical teaching methods. Navigating our world means being able to quantify, measure, estimate, classify, compare, find patterns, conjecture, justify, prove, and generalize within critical thinking and when using critical thinking.

Therefore, "to build the bridge" is not possible without integrating mathematics with critical thinking and decision-making processes. They can be developed into the mathematical context, so that there is no excuse to not explicitly support students to develop them.


To integrate diverse approaches for solving complex problems

To emphasize creativity over logical analysis in mathematical education

To focus on bridging theoretical knowledge and practical application

To encourage students to simplify complex problems through intuition

To eliminate traditional methods of teaching mathematics


21번 지문 변형



Imagine that your usually stingy friend delights in buying you a Christmas present after taking a generosity booster. How would you feel? Undoubtedly, there is something praiseworthy about the action. You’d be pleased to receive the gift. You’d say ‘thank you’, and mean it. But his change of heart is not entirely satisfying. According to Zagzebski, an American philosopher, he is not really generous. When we praise someone’s character, we use words for various virtues: ‘generous’, ‘kind’, ‘courageous’, etc. A person who gives one gift isn’t generous. Instead, "to wear the mask of generosity" means that generosity must be a stable part of one’s emotional habit, an essential part of their moral identity.

To pretend to act in a generous way without true sincerity

To demonstrate generosity as part of one’s stable moral character

To use fleeting actions to mask a lack of consistent virtue

To adopt generosity temporarily based on external influences

To rely on societal approval to define moral behavior



   22번 지문 변형



To determine the mass of my bowling ball, I might put it onto a balance and compare it with a known mass, such as a number of metal cubes each weighing 1, 10, or 100 grams. Things get much more complicated if I want to know the mass of a distant star. How do I measure it? We can roughly say that measuring the mass of a star involves various theories. If we want to measure the mass of a binary star, we first determine a center of mass between the two stars, then their distance from that center, which we can then use, together with a value for the period and a certain instance of Kepler’s Third Law, to calculate the mass. In other words, "to unlock the mysteries of the stars" requires measuring other quantities and using those values, together with certain equations, to calculate the mass. Measurement is not a simple and unmediated estimation of independently existing properties but a determination of certain magnitudes before the background of a number of accepted theories.


To simplify complex equations for understanding astronomical phenomena

To apply theoretical frameworks to measure celestial properties

To estimate star masses through intuitive assumptions

To reveal universal truths about the nature of binary systems

To explore the aesthetic beauty of celestial objects


23번 지문 변형


Based on discoveries in neuroscience, pain and pleasure are formed and processed in the same area of the brain. Our bodies constantly strive for homeostasis, which is defined as the balance of bodily functions. Without the body’s effective compensatory mechanisms, which may cushion potential highs and lows, we would not be capable of surviving.

Pleasure and pain are like two sides of the same coin; they seem to work together and are heavily reliant on one another to maintain balance. According to psychiatrist Dr. Anna Lembke, "to reset the scale" requires allowing pain to be an essential component of maintaining balance in our internal state.


To regulate the balance of pleasure and pain for emotional well-being

To suppress the highs and lows caused by external stimuli

To avoid excessive pleasure to prevent dependency on external rewards

To seek physical comfort while minimizing emotional distress

To eliminate the natural tension between pleasure and pain



24번 지문 변형


Manufacturers masterfully sow seeds of doubt about the adequacy of our current devices. Suddenly, the phone that was your lifeline a year ago is now a museum piece, unable to keep pace with your digital demands. And thus, the itch to upgrade begins, often before there’s a genuine need. This cycle isn’t just confined to our digital companions. It spills over into almost every aspect of consumer electronics. “To fuel the upgrade cycle is not so much about what we want but about leading us to believe we need the newest device to stay current with trends.


To drive consumer desires for unnecessary purchases

To focus on upgrading essential technologies to improve quality of life

To emphasize the role of marketing in shaping consumer behavior

To blur the line between consumer wants and needs

To create financial incentives for consumers to save money




29번 지문 변형


Conditioned Place Preference is a way of finding out what animals want. Researchers train them to associate one place with an experience such as food or a loud noise and another place with something completely different, usually where nothing happens. The two places are made obviously different to make it as easy as possible for the animal to associate each place with what happened to it there. The animal’s preference for being in one place or another is measured both before and after its experiences in the two places. If there is a shift in where the animal chooses to spend its time for the reward, this suggests that it liked the experience and is trying to repeat it. Conversely, if it now avoids the place the stimulus appeared and starts to prefer the place it did not experience it, then this suggests that it found the stimulus unpleasant. For example, mice with cancer show a preference for the place where they have been given morphine, a drug used to relieve pain, rather than where they have received saline whereas healthy mice developed no such preference. This suggests that the mice with cancer wanted the morphine. "To decode animal behavior" involves understanding such patterns of preference to determine how animals respond to different stimuli.


To explore how animals’ choices are influenced by their instincts

To analyze animals’ preferences based on their responses to stimuli

To determine whether animals associate environments with positive outcomes

To study animals’ behavior in their natural environments without intervention

To understand how animals develop specific preferences over time



30번 지문 변형

Near the equator, many species of bird breed all year round. But in temperate and polar regions, the breeding seasons of birds are often sharply defined. They are triggered mainly by changes in day length. If all goes well, the outcome is that birds raise their young when the food supply is at its peak. Most birds are not simply reluctant to breed at other times but they are also physically incapable of doing so. This is because their reproductive system shrinks, which helps flying birds save weight. The main exception to this rule are nomadic desert species. These can initiate their breeding cycle within days of rain. "To make the most of the sudden breeding opportunity" highlights the ability of these species to reproduce quickly and efficiently in response to brief, favorable conditions. Also, different species divide the breeding season up in different ways. Most seabirds raise a single brood. In warm regions, however, songbirds may raise several families in a few months. In an exceptionally good year, a pair of House Sparrows, a kind of songbird, can raise successive broods through a marathon reproductive effort.


To adapt to environmental changes by optimizing reproduction

To adjust breeding behavior to maximize offspring survival rates

To exploit rare favorable conditions for reproductive success

To synchronize breeding cycles with seasonal food availability

To develop breeding strategies that minimize reproductive efforts



31번 지문 변형


One factor that may hinder creativity is unawareness of the resources required in each activity in students’ learning.

Often students are unable to identify the resources they need to perform the task required of them. Different resources may be compulsory for specific learning tasks, and recognizing them may simplify the activity’s performance. For example, it may be that students desire to conduct some experiments in their projects. There must be a prior investigation of whether the students will have access to the laboratory, equipment, and chemicals required for the experiment. It means preparation is vital for the students to succeed, and it may be about human and financial resources such as laboratory technicians, money to purchase chemicals, and equipment for their learning where applicable.

Even if some of the resources required for a task may not be available, identifying them in advance may help students’ creativity. It may even lead to changing the topic, finding alternative resources, and other means. "To lay the groundwork for creativity" refers to the process of ensuring that students have access to the essential resources and preparations required for their projects to thrive.


To promote creativity by removing the need for specific resources

To encourage independent thinking by limiting available tools

To ensure that essential resources are secured to support student success

To foster creative problem-solving by challenging resource availability

To motivate students to think critically by withholding access to materials



32번 지문 변형


All translators feel some pressure from the community of readers for whom they are doing their work. And all translators arrive at their interpretations in dialogue with other people.  The English poet Alexander Pope had pretty good Greek, but when he set about translating Homer’s Iliad in the early 18th century, he was not on his own. He had Greek commentaries to refer to, and translations that had already been done in English, Latin, and Frenchand of course he had dictionaries. Translators always draw on more than one source text. Even when the scene of translation consists of just one person with a pen, paper, and the book that is being translated, or even when it is just one person translating orally for another, that person’s linguistic knowledge arises from lots of other texts and other conversations.

And then his or her idea of the translation’s purpose will be influenced by the expectations of the person or people it is for. In both these senses, "translation is a collective effort" reflects the reliance on multiple sources, texts, and influences to create meaningful translations.


The process of combining various texts to produce an accurate translation

The reliance on others’ work and interpretations to guide translation efforts

The collaborative effort between translators to achieve linguistic accuracy

The dependence on community expectations to shape translation outcomes

The process of creating translations without external linguistic influences




